The Beginning After The End


In a realm dictated by martial prowess, King Grey stands as an unparalleled force, commanding strength, affluence, and prestige. Yet, the formidable might that surrounds him conceals a prevailing sense of solitude. Behind the opulent facade of a potent monarch lies the husk of a man, void of purpose and resolve. Transcending into a fresh realm teeming with magic and creatures, the king is granted a second lease on life. Rectifying past errors proves to be merely one facet of his forthcoming challenges. Beneath the veneer of peace and prosperity in this newfound world, an undercurrent emerges, posing a threat to unravel all he has built. Arthur Leywin, Tessia Eralith, Sylvie, Elijah Knight, and Reynolds Leywin each play pivotal roles in this intricate tapestry, questioning the king’s raison d’être as they navigate the complexities of their intertwined destinies.